Pair Jumble strategy
This strategy uses more than 21 currency pairs, distributing the risk proportionally across all pairs. This long term swing trade strategy reduces the exposure to risk caused by daily fluctuations in the market.
Our system keeps the daily floating risk in check based on the programmed average
Though this is our youngest trading strategy, it has delivered one year of solid results
This crown jewel strategy enables small cap investors to benefit from this long term approach.
Review this strategy’s audited financials for more information here
All deposits are protected by the regulatory body, the bank and the broker, all of which form part of the chain of capital custodians. When you select a Strategy and Asset Manager to work with, you need only to sign an LPOA (Limited Power of Attorney), enabling them to make buy and sell decisions on your behalf. You will be able to deposit and withdraw capital at your leisure.
This high performance portfolio starts with an initial investment of only $ 5,000USD which you can send directly to the broker’s custodian bank account once you have created your account.
Easily monitor your investment from the comfort of your office, home or mobile device. Our customer portal enables you to track progress, inject additional funds, and join new strategies to maximize returns.